Our Services

Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures


We specialize in Technical Surveillance Counter Measures (TSCM) analysis, which is an elaborate and highly technical search procedure for electronic surveillance devices.
Our TSCM services were designed and optimized for clients in the business and corporate world but we are also qualified to conduct searches for Law Enforcement Agencies, Local Police and Governements.

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While we pride ourselves in our premier TSCM services and equipment, we also provide several high-value training sessions; including a multi-levels course, information sessions and awareness programs on subjects such as corporate information security, asset protection and counter-espionage.

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Not Sure Where To Go From Here?

Have one of our professionally trained expert help you determine your own security needs and priorities, identify vulnerabilities and threats you might be exposing yourself to and together establish a personalized prevention plan and next steps you can feel confident about. 

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